類別 | 私宅
屋況 | 新成屋
格局 | 兩房兩廳兩衛
坪數 | 30坪
攝影 | ANDY's Photography
We have always preferred to create a natural spatial oasis for our residents amidst of the hustle and bustle of city life. The overall design adeptly employs natural wood veneer, hand-made art paint, soft indirect lighting, natural light and light cabinetry to endow the interior space with a comfortable and natural feel.
This project is a new construction site in Taipei. New residential development projects tend to have overly small living rooms. We opened up the first bedroom into an open bookshelf and integrated it with the living room, and used indirect light to guide and surround the space, so that the visual sphere extends along the largest edge of the space, striving for maximum visual extension in the limited space.
In addition, the cabinet itself incorporates many small passages from the living room to the master bedroom, from the wall to the ceiling, giving the cat a distinct space of its own, in addition to our own living space.