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類別 | 私宅

屋況 | 新成屋
格局 | 三房兩廳兩衛

坪數 | 40坪
​攝影 | Ivan Chuang


In modern times, the television has become the most important focal point in a room. The allure of glamorous audio-visuals has replaced our conversations with family, and the fast-moving images prevent us from slowing down to reflect on the meaning behind things. We utilized a serene main wall, complemented by the homeowner's personal art collection, to encourage reflection within this space, transforming self-contemplation into a compelling narrative. The circular flow in the public areas does not restrict movement, allowing people to wander freely and engage in activities while still being able to interact with one another. This makes pleasant conversations the symphony of the space. If a home holds memories, they should reside in moments of self-reflection and emotional connections with loved ones.

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