類別 | 私宅
屋況 | 新成屋
格局 | 兩房兩廳兩衛
坪數 | 50坪
攝影 | Dayform Studio 日形影像
After a long day of hard work, it’s a pleasure to relax on the sofa. Your eyes take in the grandeur of the high- ceilinged marble. Your skin feels the warmth of the sunlight filtering in through the window. And your ears hear the calls of children upstairs and downstairs. These are the fruits of your labor.
During the day, the subtle reflections of the marble reflect the view outside the tall windows. The wood grain adds warmth to the otherwise cold space. The deep gray matte finish of the cabinets provides a unique tactile experience.
At night, with the fire lit and the lights off, you gather with your family in the living room. The style of the décor fades away, leaving only the warmth of familial bonds and the simple pleasures of life.